Friends, Fitness and More Fitness

June 28, 2024


Friends, Fitness and More Fitness


This July is giving us the gift of engaging more, pushing each other and giving us the opportunity to play with new scaling options to maintain the ideal workout stimulus'. We're going after 2 main focuses this month, whilst maintaining our core programming values.


The first one is intervals and partner work. Using a partner isn't just for synchro and bring a friend. We're going to be utilising partner work to bolster our efforts in interval sessions, which is what we're going to see a handful of this month. The partner element adds some urgency to help maintain intensity and the intervals allow us to get some rest in between so we can reflect on our efforts and recover enough to maintain higher levels of intensity. Don't worry, these workouts aren't forcing pairs to race against each other. And as always, everything is infinitely scaleable, so partnering isn't going to be stressful, we can still maintain that anyone works with anyone, and you'll get a solid workout (without feeling like you're holding anyone back)!


The second focus is higher volume workouts (high reps), which allows us to utilise new movements (scaling options) to preserve the ideal workout stimulus (the way your body will adapt from the exercise). For example: if the workout has 30 handstand push-ups, the stimulus is vary different if you perform them unbroken, as 3 sets of 10 or as 30 sets of 1 rep. You're going to use a different intensity for each of those, which gives you a different response. Essentially, we're increasing variation to get more response from our bodies (instead of just increasing intensity). So expect the gains to keep rolling in!


These are 2 things I've enjoyed performing a lot more of recently, and having tried and tested the vast majority of next month's workout last month, I'm excited to see you all get after it and make some killer progress.


Without giving away the entire month, here are the benchmarks coming up at the end of July:



Classic Workouts



Open 24.1



1-rep max power snatch

1-rep max back squat

1-rep max push press


Olympic Weightlifting

1-rep max power snatch

1-rep max power clean & jerk



1-rep max deadlift

3-rep max front squat

5-rep max bench press




2 ring muscle-ups

3 strict handstand push-ups

4 burpee box jumps to 30/24"


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