Monthly Programming - October

October 4, 2022

Olympic Weightlifting

1RM snatch & CJ

Weeks 5-8

  • Strength & speed progressions
  • Moderate reps with movement combinations, moderate intensity and volume

Weeks 9-10

  • Peak & test
  • High intensity with low volume


Front squat 1RM + AMRAP/ 80%

Bench press 5RM

Strict press 10RM

Weighted pull-up 1RM + AMRAP/ 50%

Barbell row 10RM

Romanian deadlift 4RM

Weeks 5-7

  • Moderate reps with conventional movements
  • Moderate intensity with moderate volume

Weeks 8-10

  • Low reps with specialised movements
  • High intensity with moderate volume
  • Peak & test



Thruster 3RM

Deadlift 1RM


Handstand hold


500m row

Classic CF:

‘The Assassin’


Weeks 5-8

  • Density training - low to moderate intensity reps with high volume

Weeks 9-10

  • Low reps with specialised movements
  • High intensity with low to moderate volume
  • Peak & test

+44 7877 192308