Coach Sam's May 2024 Blog

May 11, 2024


Less = More


When entering the CrossFit realm, or any version of training for that matter, it can be easy to fall into this trap of thinking that more is always better. I mean, who wouldn't want to cram in as much as possible into every session, right? Strength, conditioning, skill work, accessories—you name it.


But here's the thing: a lot of what we end up doing in those jam-packed sessions can be what I call "fluff" work. It's stuff that feels like you're doing something, but it's not really pushing you forward. And why? Because it's not challenging enough.


See, for progress to happen, you need that challenge. Not necessarily all the time, but most of the time. If you're just going through the motions without real intention, you're not really pushing yourself to grow and trust me, I've been there.


So, what did I do? I took a step back. I started giving myself less to do overall but made sure that what I was doing actually meant something. And you know what? It paid off big time. I started seeing improvements across the board, even in areas I hadn't specifically focused on for weeks. Ever felt that from CrossFit? I'm sure you have. You haven't practiced X movement but you've been training really consistently, it comes up again in class and you're repping it out and it feels better than ever!


Now, I get it. CrossFit throws a lot at you, and it's easy to feel like you have to do it all or risk losing your gains. But let me tell you, that's just not true. One of the reasons that CrossFit is so powerful is because the workouts have excellent secondary impact. Essentially where training one thing helps a bunch of other things as well. For example, handstand push-ups also really benefit other overhead work, like jerks and snatches in weightlifting. Box jumps and kettlebell swings really benefit your power cleans and power snatches. Being fitter from metcons really benefits your ability to recovery, not only from workout to workout but from set to set and even rep to rep (yep, it really does).


Here's a simple breakdown of what a solid week of CrossFit training could look like:


Train 3-5 days a week:

  • Aim for 1-2 "heavy" days focusing on strength work.
  • Throw in 1-2 sessions dedicated to skill work and building work capacity. Think Olympic weightlifting or gymnastics practice and heavy breathing, in shorter time frames (5-20 minutes, including intervals).
  • And don't forget about that one long-duration conditioning session to keep your endurance in check!

Uh Sam, isn't this too much, do I now need to check every class for this? Not quite. The classes are designed to cover these bases for you, but the point is that trying to find ways to cram in more is not the answer to more gains. It's realising that intention and quality trumps autopilot volume.


Stick to this plan consistently, and I promise you'll see improvements not only in the gym but in all aspects of your life. Quality over quantity wins every time in this game!


See you at the gym,


Coach Sam


+44 7877 192308