March Programming

March 3, 2025

The CrossFit Open is upon us and it would be easy to put all our focus into that one day a week, but at CrossFit Putney we want to help each and every one of you progress no matter the time of year, or what events pop up in the schedule. With this in mind we have another fun, and challenging month of programming in store for you all!

For the CROSSFIT Programming for March we are continuing to develop upon the strength and capacity we gained in January and February. The very first week of March highlights this with a high volume Wall-Ball and Handstand Push up workout, a long 35-minute-cap metcon, a sprint interval workout with some punchy barbell cycling, and a monster 40 minute partner wod, to finish off the week.

For the strength work in our CrossFit classes, we will continue to develop capacity with the use of things like rest/pause sets, as well as some classic 5 x 5 work!

BUILD continues with the Upper/Lower split and then the push/pull bias. This is the third mesocycle (an individual training block that typically focus on developing a specific thing, such as strength, power, or muscle mass) of an initial 12-week strength phase for the year. By now, at over 8 weeks in, regular build attendees should really be able to feel the strength and muscle gains kicking in! I saw some big numbers being hit on our foundation lifts in February. Let’s keep that going.

GYMNASTICS is right in the middle of a skill phase. Each session we are still looking at building true gymnastic strength, but with lots of skill and play thrown in. If you haven’t been to coach Danilo’s Sunday gymnastics yet with some amazing new drills, you're missing out!

In our OLYMPIC LIFTING classes we are still working on skill and positional refinement, while also providing enough opportunities to throw some heavy bars around and test our progress. Post-Open we will asses exactly where we need to go next with Olympic lifting and refine this even more.

Last, but not least, SWEAT has been Sweaty ;). Sweat is by no means easy. It’s all about building capacity, endurance, speed, balance, and accuracy, all while having plenty of fun. We have thrown a few new movements and styles of workout into sweat in January and February, and you can expect that to continue in March. Who loved the 36 minute Tabata focused piece recently? We certainly did!

So that’s what is coming in March. I hope you really enjoy the next month of training and I wanted to thank you all for the effort and commitment I have seen so far this year. It’s a privilege to be able to programme for our awesome community, and it’s so exciting to see you all tackle the sessions and improve in so many ways! On paper they're just workouts - it's your hard work that truly brings them to life.

Love the Journey!

Simon (Rooster) Walter ;)

+44 7877 192308