We’re making some changes to how we provide you with insights to the classes and how each of them is programmed. This is to help you, so you can pick what aligns best with your goals, and you know exactly why you’re doing what you’re doing. Don’t worry if this comes across as jargon to you - the actual classes themselves have been planned this way for the previous 6 months, we’re just giving you more information on them, the classes themselves aren’t changing! These focuses will begin next week!
Olympic Weightlifting
1RM snatch & CJ
Weeks 1-4
Weeks 5-8
Weeks 9-10
Front squat 1RM + AMRAP/ 80%
Bench press 5RM
Strict press 10RM
Weighted pull-up 1RM + AMRAP/ 50%
Barbell row 10RM
Romanian deadlift 4RM
Weeks 1-4
Weeks 5-7
Weeks 8-10
Thruster 3RM
Deadlift 1RM
Handstand hold
500m row
Classic CF:
‘The Assassin’
Weeks 1-4
Weeks 5-8
Weeks 9-10