Sam's Blog

June 28, 2024

Developing Strength AND Skills


Patience and Trusting the Journey

Hey Team! Let’s talk about something we all strive for in our CrossFit journey: developing strength and skills. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of hitting a new PR or finally nailing that elusive skill. But here’s the thing—building strength and mastering skills takes time, patience, and trust in the process.


The Slow and Steady Gains

We live in a world of instant gratification, but CrossFit isn’t about quick fixes. It’s about slow, steady progress that builds a strong, resilient foundation. Here’s why patience is your best friend:

  • Avoiding Burnout and Injury: Going too hard, too fast is a surefire way to end up on the sidelines. Building strength gradually allows your muscles, tendons, and ligaments to adapt and grow stronger without the risk of overuse injuries.
  • True Mastery Takes Time: Whether it’s a muscle-up, a handstand walk, or a heavy snatch, mastering complex movements takes repetition and time. Every rep, every drill, and every bit of practice adds up to that moment when it finally clicks.
  • Mental Fortitude: The journey of developing strength and skills isn’t just physical; it’s mental. Patience teaches you resilience and perseverance, traits that will carry over into every aspect of your life.

Trusting the Process

In CrossFit, we often hear about trusting the process. But what does that really mean? Here’s how you can embrace it:

  • Follow the Programming: Our workouts are designed with a purpose. Trust that the programming will guide you towards your goals, even if it doesn’t always seem obvious why we’re doing yet another set of burpees or a particular WOD.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: Progress isn’t always about hitting a big PR. Did you add a few kilos to your deadlift? Did you manage one more pull-up than before? These small wins are steps on your journey. Celebrate them!
  • Listen to Your Body: Some days you’ll feel like a superhero; other days, not so much. Trust your body and listen to what it’s telling you. Rest when you need to and push when you can.
  • Consistency Over Perfection: It’s not about being perfect every workout; it’s about showing up consistently. Every time you step into the gym, you’re making deposits into your strength and skill bank.

The Journey is the Reward

Remember, every achiever you admire started where you are now. They faced challenges, felt frustrations, and celebrated the small victories. Their secret? They trusted the journey and embraced the process.

  • Set Realistic Goals: Dream big, but set achievable, incremental goals along the way. This helps keep you motivated and focused on the path ahead.
  • Embrace the Community: Lean on your fellow CrossFitters for support. We’re all in this together, and sharing your journey with others makes it all the more rewarding.
  • Enjoy the Ride: The process of developing strength and skills is full of highs and lows. Enjoy the ride, learn from the challenges, and savour the victories.

So, next time you’re grinding through a tough WOD or working on that tricky skill, remember: patience and trust are your greatest allies. Keep showing up, keep pushing yourself, and trust that you’re exactly where you need to be on your journey.

See you in the gym, team!


Keep pushing,

Coach Sam


+44 7877 192308